Cloth Face Mask May Protect Us From Coronavirus, Is That True?

Since the SARS-CoV 2, known as COVID-19, outbreak the world, many health organizations and the government take action to halt the spread. This virus can spread through infected droplets, when people sneeze or cough. Then, the World Health Organization (WHO) and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend personal hygiene, like washing hands regularly, and wearing face masks properly.

Why should we wear face masks? 

Looking back to how this virus spread, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is transmitted by respiratory droplets, like sneezing or coughing, through direct contact with infected people with symptoms (1). 

Recent studies show that people without symptoms (asymptomatic) or develop symptoms (pre-symptomatic) also can transmit the virus. From a report , Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director, has said 25% asymptomatic people and 48 hours before showing any symptoms can also be a transmission. 

Therefore, people who are symptomatic (have respiratory symptoms), should wear surgical masks to prevent spreading the virus to other people. What about people who do not have those symptoms? 

Furthermore, many people may be positive to COVID-19, but do not show any symptoms. However, these people may be transmitting the virus to others. This is the reason why healthy people should wear face masks, especially when in public areas.

CDC recommends to wear cloth face masks in public where social distancing is difficult to maintain, like at the grocery and pharmacy. 

Cloth face masks are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators. Those masks are critical supplies for health workers and other medical first responders. Cloth face masks or coverings can be made from household items. They are very low cost and can be made fashionably.  

Tto make your own cloth face covering, CDC gives us the material details and step by step to create it. 

Do Cloth Face Masks Really Protect Us? 

Wearing the masks not only to protect ourselves, but also to protect other people. Dr. Daniel Griffin, an expert on infectious disease at Columbia University, says “ “So it’s not going to protect you, but it is going to protect your neighbour. If your neighbor is wearing a mask and the same thing happens, they’re going to protect you. So masks worn properly have the potential to benefit people.” (2) 

There are some studies that find that cloth face masks are the least effective. For instance, a study in South Korea and a published study by naturemedicine.

However, these studies are limited. Many experts emphasized that wearing masks is not the only way to reduce the spread. Personal hygiene and social distancing still play a role to stop this spread. Furthermore, Public health officials warn people to keep distance at least 1,8 meters, even if they are wearing masks. 


  1. Department of Health, n.d., Wearing Mask, Department of Health, Accessed on 14 April 2020 <
  2. Wamsley L, Aubrey A, 2020, Coronavirus FAQs: Is A Homemade Mask Effective? And What’s The Best Way To Wear One?, NPR, Accessed on 14 April 2020 <>

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